Calculating Technique of Antenna Characteristics Located in a SemiInfinite Medium with Losses by Finite Element Method

R. Y. Borodulin, N. Y. Klyuchko

  Методика расчета характеристик антенн, расположенных в полубесконечной среде с потерями, методом конечных элементов(277,64 KB)


The paper presents a new approach to using absorbing layers (AL) to simulate semi-infinite isotropic lossy media. The simulation is performed by internal ALs keeping the “lossy medium – air” boundary open. It is suggested to assess the efficiency of various types of AL comparing it with absorptive capacity of an equivalent skin layer. Ideally matched layers are considered that are significantly thinner than ALs of other types. The paper presents and experimental dependence of thickness of such layers on the needed field attenuation and calculation wavelength.


semiinfinite media, finite elements method, ideally matched layers, absorbing layers, boundary conditions, lossy medium


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