Conceptual Foundations of Building and Developing an Automated Management System for the Joint Automated Digital Communication System of the RF Armed Forces (JADCS RF AF)

A. S. Prisyazhniuk, A. M. Likhachev, A. V. Abramovich

  Концептуальные основы создания и развития автоматизированной системы управления ОАЦСС ВС РФ(1,64 MB)


The automated management system (AMS) for JADCS RF AF is a means to manage the quality of information services and services of electric communication facilities offered to users of JADCS RF AF. It is provided via supporting the topological, structural and stream configuration of JADCS RF AF at a prescribed level, including its networks and their operational characteristics, using rationally the energy/frequency, operational, temporal and spatial resources of JADCS RF AF, managing and maintaining comprehensively its information security, including communication security and information protection, efficient management of operational personnel of communication nodes and executive officers of communication management centers.


automated communication management system, joint automated digital communication system, complex of automation means


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