Method of aerodynamic characteristics and enginepropeller combination calculation for hybrid unmanned aerial vehicles with rotary engines (convertible aircraft)

A. S. Prisyazhniuk, A. S. Cherepanov, A. D. Arefyev, A. V. Khraban

  Методика расчета аэродинамических характеристик и винтомоторной группы для создания гибридных беспилотных летательных аппаратов типа "конвертоплан" с поворотными двигателями(7,83 MB)


Methods, algorithm and mathematical tools for the problem of convertible type UAV conceptual design are presented. The calculation method for aerodynamic parameters, engine-propeller combination parameters, and also optimization algorithm for the UAV equipment is presented, the used design of and optimization methods for the solution of technically complex system tasks are specified.


unmanned aerial vehicles; engine-propeller combination; ground control station; aircraft; conceptual design.


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