Public multiservice communication network creation features on the basis of a passive optical network and it's management in the megalopolis conditions

E. P. Zhuravel

  Особенности построения мультисервисной сети связи общего пользования на основе пассивной оптической сети и управления ею в условиях мегаполиса(7,17 MB)


In article characteristics of the present stage of development of a uniform network of electric communication of Russia are considered, the analysis of merits and demerits of the xDSL, Ethernet and PON technologies is carried out, importance of the accounting of service model of rendering of services at creation of automated control systems for the telecommunication equipment of operators is noted, the main stages of creation of a network of access on the basis of the PON technology with the indication of their features at design and construction of networks of access are given, in use and further development of the PON networks.


uniform network of electric communication of Russia; telecommunication network; network of access; пассивная passive optical network; service model; automated control system; life cycle.


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