Forecasting of ground complex elements lifetime indexes with account of incomplete information on possibilities of functional recovery

P. E. Bessonov, O. G. Pivovarov

  Прогнозирование показателей долговечности объектов наземных комплексов с учетом неполноты информации о возможностях восстановления работоспособности(1,48 MB)


Described in the article is a mathematical model of forecasting the ground complex elements lifetime indexes, distinguished by the joint consideration (within a single model) of the equipment elements properties change and possibilities of its techno­logical lifespan recovery system (TLRS). Incom­plete information on TLRS properties change in the interval of forecast lead is taken into account by applying fuzzy form of description of the initial data on possibilities of functional recovery.


technical state; reliability; ресурс - resource; forecasting; surface facilities


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