Program complex of similar territorial zones simulation modeling
The methods of modeling interactive water surface for simulators. Presented a model of the water surface based on the superposition of several height maps are periodic in space and time. The methods of modeling the backs of the waves and coastlines that are needed to increase the realism of the simulated ground.
modeling of the Earth's surface; modeling of the water surface; visualization of a water surface; simulation modeling.
1. Yuri Kryachko"Using Vertex Texture Displacement for Realistic Water Rendering", GPU GEMS II, Chapter 18,2004.
2. Qizhi Yu, Fabrice Neyret, Eric Bruneton and Nicolas Holzschuch"Scalable real-time animation of rivers", EUROGRAPHICS 2009 / P. Dutre and M. Stamminger, Volume 28 (2009), Number 2.